How much weight is called obesity and what is Body Mass Index

 How much weight is called obesity and what is Body Mass Index | know everything from expert

How much weight is called obesity and what is Body Mass Index, know everything from expert

In this article you can read all the important information related to BMI.

BMI or Body Mass Index is a term that you must have heard about. First of all for Wet Los people are advised to know about their body mass index. Similarly, before preparing Wet Loss or Exercise Plan, experts ask the BMI of the people. But, if you also have any confusion about body mass index or BMI and you are not able to understand why knowing BMI index is important for healthy life, then in this article you can read related to BMI. All important information.

What is BMI?, What is a healthy BMI index? And what are the disadvantages of having high or low BMI? All these questions answered Bariatrik Surgeon Dr. Aparna Govil Bhaskar (Dr. Aparna Govil Bhasker, Bariatric and Laparoscopic Surgeon, Saifee Hospital, Mumbai) who are associated with Mumbai's Saifi Hospital, Namo Hospital and Apollo Spectra Hospital.

What is BMI? (What Is BMI)

Dr. Aparna Govil Bhaskar says that, Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of a person's obesity. Calculation is done on the basis of body weight and height data in BMI Index. Finding out the BMI index is important because with the help of BMI it can be understood whether a person is underweight or overweight. Significantly, maintaining a healthy weight is important for achieving a healthy body and reducing the risk of diseases. Knowing the correct BMI index also helps people in ways to control high BMI levels.

How is BMI calculated?

According to experts, the ratio of a person's weight and his height or height numbers is calculated for BMI calculation. Checking BMI levels can help to understand how close a person is to the point of healthy weight. In other words, whether a person is overweight or has reached the point of obesity, its information can be found on the basis of BMI index.

What is the normal BMI level?

According to Dr. Aparna, the answer to the question of what should be the normal BMI can be different. According to him, the level of normal BMI or ideal BMI for people may vary depending on their geographical location or place of residence. (What is An Ideal BMI) For example, Dr. Aparna says that the normal BMI figures for the people of America and India cannot be the same. As the Indian body has a different capacity to store body fat, therefore, the normal body index here is also different from the BMI of the American people. According to Dr. Aparna Govil Bhaskar, different indices of BMI can be like this-

18-23 BMI is considered normal for Indian people. If your BMI is at this level, then your weight is considered average. In India and in the Asian region, this BMI is considered normal.

If you have a BMI greater than 23.5, you are considered overweight and you will be counted in the overweight category.

  • 23.5-27.5- Overweight
  • 27.5-32.5 Overweight Category (Grade 1)
  • 32.5-37.5 Overweight Category (Grade 2)
  • A weight of B over 37 would be considered grade 3 overweight.

Why is it important to keep BMI low?

High BMI means obesity and overweight. As in various studies, obesity has been associated with the risk of many lifestyle diseases and chronic diseases. Dr. Aparna also says that with the increase of BMI, the risk of diseases related to obesity also increases. High BMI also increases the chances of lifelong diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, and high blood pressure. Therefore, efforts should be made to reduce your increased body mass index.

Your Lifestyle for Weight Loss

To reduce the increased weight, changes in lifestyle, routine and diet are advised by experts. Some ways to lose weight and maintain a lower BMI are as follows-

  • Do regular exercise and go for morning walk. This will help in reducing weight and staying active.
  • Indigestion also increases the risk of many types of health problems. Also, one of the major causes of obesity is considered to be the late night eating habits. Therefore, eat early at night. (why early dinner is important)
  • Have your meal at least 2 hours before going to bed at night. With this, the food will get enough time to digest and there will be less chances of fat accumulation in the body. (Health benefits of early dinner )
  • Eat light, digestible and less spicy food at night. Eating heavy meals can take time to digest it, which can also affect the process of weight loss.
  • Include foods rich in healthy fats in your diet and consume low-fat foods only.
  • Follow a balanced diet plan full of various nutrients.
  • Instead of eating heavy meals 2-3 times a day, eat small amounts of food several times a day. 6 Meal plan can also prove to be a good option because, it can help in digesting food and maintaining metabolism. (health benefits of having small meals)
  • Eat green vegetables and fruits according to the season. Include beans, pulses, nuts and dryfruits in the diet in addition to dairy products such as curd and buttermilk.
  • As per your dietician's suggestion, drink warm or drinking warm water every day.

Do not skip breakfast. 

One of the reasons for increasing obesity is not getting the right amount of nutrients to the body. (Side-effects of skipping breakfast) Therefore, make sure to have breakfast every morning. This will give your body energy and nourishment for the whole day.

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